Beyond Bygone Zapper "What's that for again...?"Active item (recharge time based on random effect (favorable effects have longer duration))
Does one of the following:
• 10% chance to do nothing and set the recharge time to 1.
• 45% chance to perform a favorable effect.
• 45% chance to perform a detrimental effect.

Both favorable and detrimental effects are room-dependent. Every type of room yields different results and less common rooms have fewer outcomes.

The recharge time varies based on the strength of favorable or detrimental effects.

Unlock: Defeat Mother as Tainted Rotten.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Repentance+ DLC has been released! The full release notes can be found here. The new game files have been imported to the website and any item attribute changes are automatically shown. Manual descriptions have also been updated according to the release notes and other various sources. [dismiss]
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